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Interviewing Kasey

Hey y'all! So today I'm interviewing my good friend Kasey who is the founder of the tck times. It's another amazing tck blog that you should definitely go check out if you haven't already. I got some of these interview questions from a BuzzFeed youtube video. Now let's get onto her answers. Hope y'all enjoy!

1. Describe the situation in your country right now regarding the Corona Virus Right now, my country does not have a lot of cases of the coronavirus. We are really lucky because we only have about 10 reported cases in the country right now. The government has tested less than 3,000 people, though, so it's possible that there might be more cases. Our country is pretty small, though, and the hospitals don't have the medical capability to take care of all the people who get infected if there is an outbreak. As I write this, we are on our 19th day of lockdown. We are only allowed to go out for groceries or medicine.

2. How are you feeling about it? I feel that if we stay on lockdown and no more cases emerge, we should be fine. We can wait for the rest of the world to catch up. If there is an outbreak, though, there wouldn't be sufficient medical facilities for everyone needing them.

3. How has Covid19 affected your life? I usually go to an international school, and that got canceled because of the virus. Currently, we are finishing our spring break and will begin online classes in a couple of days. I'm not allowed to go out, and I'm used to going out to go to church, stores, babysitting, and going out with friends, but we can't do that anymore. My siblings, my parents, and I are all stuck inside our gate, and it's been a little bit stressful constantly being around my family, but it's also been really beneficial to spend time with them. We've been playing a lot more games.

4. What are some precautions you've been taking? I've been washing my hands and using hand sanitizer a lot more than normal. I've been wearing a mask when I go out for groceries. My mask is designed to help me breathe in bad pollution, but it also helps protect me from the virus.

5. What is daily life like right now? How have you been spending time? My school has been on spring break for a couple of weeks, so I've had days and days of free time. I set a goal to read 35 books over the break, so I've been reading a lot. I've also been doing a lot of baking, and my family's really enjoyed that :). Besides that, I've been emailing and messaging friends and sometimes face-timing with one of my best friends. I've played games with my family too.

6. Do you have any routine changes? My routine has completely changed, because I've been off school, but I haven't really had a routine. My family has done daily workouts, but besides meals, there's not much structure to my day. I start my online classes in a few days, so I'll have a consistent routine then. 

7. Have you learned any new skills in your extra time? I've been using an app to practice my Spanish because I'll be taking that at school next year, so I've definitely improved my Spanish skills. I haven't been learning many new skills, but I've been practicing the skills I already have, like writing and baking. 

8. What is the first thing you'll do when social distancing is over? When social distancing/quarantine/lockdown is over, the first thing I want to do is to do something fun with my friends. I'm an extrovert, so it's been hard not getting to see them. 

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Apr 11, 2020

thanks for letting me do this!

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