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I'm sure many if not all of us are feeling lonely during the lockdown. No face time call can replace physically being and talking with friends. Today I thought I'd share a Bible study that we had today on this topic.

There is a huge difference between being physically alone and being lonely. You can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely if you have no feeling of connection or common ground with them.

1. Loneliness is real.

It's painful and it's an occasion to grieve and cry out to God. We were created to be in community and relationship with other human beings.

2. We must not give in to the lies of loneliness.

The Devil puts lies into our hearts that get mixed with the feelings of loneliness.

Lie #1. I am alone

Lie #2. No one understands me

Lie #3. No one loves me

Lie #4. No one likes me

Lie #5. I'm too ___ for anyone to be friends with me

Lie #6. If I get close to people, they'll only end up hurting me

3. Jesus is the ultimate friend. God tells us the truth against these lies.

Lie#1 - -> God is always with us. We are never alone. (Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 28:20)

Lie #2 - -> God knows everything about us and understands us better than we understand ourselves. (Psalm 139:1-4, Hebrews 4:15)

Lie #3 - -> Nothing can separate us from God's love. (Romans 8:38-39)

Lie #4 - -> God delights in us. He rejoices over us with singing. (Zepheniah 3:17)

Lie #5 - -> He calls us friends (John 15:13,15)

Lie #6 - -> We will find rest in God. He didn't come to hurt or burden us. (Matthew 11:28-29, John 10:10

Jesus never hurt us, we hurt Him. (Matthew 26:31,37-38, 40, 56)

Jesus was deserted, abandoned, lonely, and left to die. He suffered for us so we would never have to be alone again. He did this out of love.

4. Through Jesus, we get the confidence to connect with others.

What we should do now

- Take the initiative to reach out. You aren't the only one who feels lonely, others are too.

- Remember that friendships take time, they don't happen overnight.

- Use your time to grow and serve others.

- Don't look for perfect friends. They don't exist, no one is perfect. Accept people as they are.

- Focus on you yourself being a good friend

- Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Be open, real, and honest.

- Befriend those who are lonely. (Psalm 68:6 - -> God sets the lonely in families)

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May 15, 2020

this is a really encouraging post!


Lily Perryman
Lily Perryman
May 10, 2020

thanks so much for writing this post! I loved the Bible references you used, they were really encouraging:)

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